Real Free Download osfg03ww.exe driver file for lenovo

We Provide Real download link for osfg03ww.exe driver file, you can download official lenovo osfg03ww.exe drivers files free here, driver file size:321.80 KB, Just download osfg03ww.exe driver files for your lenovo device now!

osfg03ww.exe driver file for lenovo free download

Driver File Name osfg03ww.exe
Device Type Power Management
Device Name Registry patch to enable Device Initiated Power Management on SATA hard drives for Windows Vista - ThinkPad Drivers
File Desciption Registry patch to enable DIPM on SATA hard drives
Lenovo Document ID: DS013987
File MD5 512f18a914a5b85cb6f1ee64afd790b8 Drivers
File Sha256 5b10362de5ad35528b3e6bdfa5b34aa715c0b1d5b49874f2c4977ef60127777b Drivers
File Sha1 bd529eaf931bd42ce2e48f9ff0feec529bfae9e1 Drivers
File Size 321.80 KB
Release Date 2008/8/20
Version 1.02
Real Download Link
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This osfg03ww.exe driver file fit for these kinds of lenovo product:

Lenovo Edge E320 (ThinkPad) | Lenovo Edge E325 (ThinkPad) | Lenovo Edge E420s (ThinkPad) | Lenovo L410 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo L412 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo L420 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo L421 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo L510 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo L512 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo L520 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo R400 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo R500 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo R61 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo R61e Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo R61i Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo Reserve Edition Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo SL300 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo SL400 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo SL400c Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo SL410 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo SL500 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo SL500c Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo SL510 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T400 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T400s Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T410 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T410i Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T410s Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T410si Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T420s Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T420si Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T500 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T510 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T510i Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T60 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T60p Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T61 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo T61p Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo W500 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo W510 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo W700 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo W700ds Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo W701 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo W701ds Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X200s Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X201 Tablet Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X201i Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X201s Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X300 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X301 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X60 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X60 Tablet Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X61 Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X61 Tablet Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo X61s Laptop (ThinkPad) | Lenovo Z61e Laptop (ThinkPad) |